Ohio Water Development Authority - Serving Ohio Since 1968

Summary List


This category includes the development and/or acquisition of potable water sources, construction and expansion of water treatment facilities, and the installation or improvement of water distribution systems.  The OWDA market rate program for these projects is the Fresh Water Fund.

The Water Supply Revolving Loan Account Fund provides assistance to public water systems to finance the costs of infrastructure to achieve or maintain compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act requirements.  The program provides below market rate loans to eligible drinking water systems.  Applications for WSRLA loans must be made to the Ohio EPA Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance.

Some communities undertaking water treatment construction or improvement projects also may qualify for other low interest loan programs available in this area.

For more details, see the Fresh Water Program Guidelines.
For more details, see the Water Supply Revolving Loan Account Program Guidelines.


Sewage projects include sewage treatment facilities, interceptor sewers, sewage collection systems and storm sewer separation projects.  The OWDA market rate program for these projects is the Fresh Water Fund.

Municipal wastewater treatment improvements and non-point pollution control projects also are eligible for financing under the Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund.  This state revolving fund, jointly administered by the OWDA and Ohio EPA, was established in 1989 to replace the Construction Grants Program.  Construction loans from WPCLF are available at two interest rates: a standard rate which is usually below market rates, and reduced rates for communities that qualify based on economic need and size.  Planning loans are available at a short-term interest rate.  Applications for WPCLF loans must be made to the Ohio EPA Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance.

Some communities undertaking wastewater treatment construction or improvement projects also may qualify for the low interest programs available in this area.

For more details, see the Fresh Water Program Guidelines.
For more details, see the Water Pollution Control Loan Program Guidelines or the Water Pollution Control Linked Deposit Program Guidelines..


Ohio Water Development Authority also finances facilities for storm water management, including storm water treatment, storm water sewer lines, and projects for the separation of sanitary sewer and storm water facilities.  The OWDA market rate program for these projects is the Fresh Water Fund.

The Water Pollution Control Loan Fund is administered by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.  This program funds construction of publicly owned wastewater treatment works, implementation of non-point source pollution management programs and development and implementation of estuary conservation management programs.

For more details, see the Fresh Water Program Guidelines.
For more details, see the Water Pollution Control Loan Program Guidelines.


Two programs are available for communities with economic hardships.  One is offered by the Ohio Water Development Authority.  The other is offered through the Ohio EPA in conjunction with OWDA.


Local government agencies may qualify for low-interest financing under the OWDA Community Assistance Loan Program.  The program is designed to help communities maintain affordable water and wastewater rates.  To be eligible, the project can be either a water or wastewater project causing an economic hardship to the community and meeting the following criteria: 

$5,000,000 is the maximum for a project from the Community Assistance Fund. 
To qualify, the LGA must have population less than 5,000 or residential users less than 2,000 and the projected annual cost of the project per residential user is greater than:

  • 1.1% of MHI for Drinking Water;
  • 1.5% of MHI for Wastewater; or
  • 2.6% of MHI for combined system user charge. 

Note:  Median Household Income (MHI) is based on most current ACS data available on http://factfinder.census.gov

If you have questions regarding qualifications for the Community Assistance Program, please contact the Loan Analyst.

For more details, see the Community Assistance Program Guidelines..


No-interest loans are provided up to $25,000 for planning and up to $50,000 for design of water supply and wastewater treatment projects.  The VCIF program is available only to villages. To qualify for a loan from the VCIF, the community must meet income and population eligibility, and priority criteria established by the program.  Applications for Village Capital Improvement Fund loans must be made to the Ohio EPA Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance.

For more details, see the Village Capital Improvement Fund Program Guidelines..


Ohio Water Development Authority provides interim financing at a short-term interest rate to local government agencies that have received a funding commitment from the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development for a water and/or wastewater project.  The financing is intended to cover costs until the Rural Development funding becomes available.

For more details, see the Loan Advance Program Guidelines.


OWDA has two programs to assist industrial infrastructure development related to water issues.  One program offers loans.  The other program offers tax relief.


Loans to local governments for water and wastewater projects are recommended and requested by the Ohio Development Services Agency based upon expected economic development benefits.  The limit is a maximum of $5,000,000 to any local government for any one project.  The rate of interest is based upon the recommendation of the Ohio Development Services Agency.

For more details, see the Local Economic Development Program Guidelines..
For more information, go to the Ohio Development Services Agency Business Services..


Privately-owned facilities may be eligible for tax-exempt financing through OWDA The Authority approves issuance of private activity bonds for sewage facilities, solid waste facilities, facilities that furnish potable water, and facilities for the disposal of hazardous waste.  A complete copy of the program requirements for private industrial bonds may be obtained by contacting Ken Heigel at OWDA.

For more details, see the Private Industrial Bonds Program Guidelines..
For more information, go to the Ohio Development Services Agency Volume Cap website..


OWDA offers two programs in connections with emergencies.  One is for emergency preparedness.  The other is a response to a disaster.

Security Assistance for Emergency Response

This safety program will provides loans to local governments to protect the communities’ water and wastewater systems.  Eligible items under the program are lighting, fencing, cameras, motion detectors, gating and security systems, and terrorism preparedness plans.  The interest rate for the loans is 2% with the maximum amount of the loan being $100,000 for communities less than 10,000 in population, and $200,000 for communities greater than 10,000.

For more details, see the Security Assistance for Emergency Response Program Guidelines.


Governmental agencies that have outstanding loans with OWDA can receive relief for up to two semi-annual loan repayments.  The locale must be in a federal or state declared disaster area and have incurred loss or damage to wastewater or water treatment facilities.  The program allows the OWDA Relief Fund to make the payments to other OWDA accounts so that the local government can use funds on hand for repair and replacement of their facilities.

For more details, see the Emergency Relief Program Guidelines.


Below-market rate loans are offered to assess and clean up brownfield properties.  The program is open to both public and private entities that may use the funds to pay for Phase II assessments, demolition, cleanup, and consultant costs.  Up to $500,000 is available for assessments, and up to $5,000,000 is available for cleanups.  By making these funds available to a variety of stakeholders, the economic development potential of the property is maximized and these once dormant properties can be brought back to beneficial use.

For more details, see the Brownfield Program Guidelines..
For more information, go to the Ohio Development Services Agency, Ohio Brownfield Fund website..


This program targets a specific challenge of redevelopment projects by reducing the cost to businesses and communities that need to minimize both the financial and environmental impact of their stormwater runoff.   Below-market rate loans are offered for the design and construction of green infrastructure as part of economic development projects.  Up to $5,000,000 in loan funds per project are available to governmental entities through the program.   Development partners are encouraged to partner with the governmental entity for their projects.  The funds can pay for design, demolition, construction, materials and administrative costs associated with the green infrastructure project.

For more details, see the Alternative Stormwater Infrastructure Loan Program Guidelines.
For more information, go to the Ohio Development Services Agency Alternative Stormwater Infrastructure Loan Program website..


The eight counties with Lake Erie shoreline are eligible to receive loans under the Lake Erie Coastal Erosion Program.  These counties in turn can provide financial assistance to property owners for the construction of erosion control structures in defined coastal erosion areas.

For more details, see the County Coastal Erosion Control Program Guidelines,. For more information, go to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Coastal Engineering website..


Financing for safety related repairs and improvements of both publicly and privately owned dams is available through the Dam Safety Program.  Loans to local governments are obtained through the normal loan program.

Privately owned dams are provided financing through the Dam Safety Linked Deposit program.  Under this program, the Authority agrees to invest money in Certificates of Deposit from participating banks and to accept a reduced rate of interest than would otherwise be available for that investment. Interest savings are passed on to the private borrower.

For more details, see the Dam Safety Program Guidelines or the Dam Safety Linked Deposit Program Guidelines..
For more information, go to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Dam Safety website.


OWDA can help counties, solid waste districts and other local governments with financing for planning, engineering and construction costs for facilities to reduce and dispose of solid waste. Projects may include curbside recycling and/or materials recovery facilities, compost facilities, transfer stations, landfills and incinerators.

For more details, see the Solid Waste Program Guidelines..
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